Can you explain what is better about this MT-90 versus any 90 weight oil
from auto parts stores? Is it better for some reason? I have rebuilt my 4
speed tranny but have yet to put the oil back in. ...would like to put in
what is best.
Bob Wilson '70 1600 (soon to be stroker)
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:00 PM
To: J Friederich
Subject: Re: RedLine tranny oil?
Don't remember the difference but after telling the Red Line company guy
what I
was putting it in, he told me to use MT-90. It's been in a year now, works
J Friederich wrote:
> I see that there are 2 Red Line tranny oils - MTL and MT-90 (or something
> like that?) What is the difference, and what might work best for a well
> used Roadster tranny? Is it worth trying? I've got a bit of syncro
> downshifting to 2nd...