Any Roadsterheads in the Indy area checked this out?
Craig Carter
In a message dated 10/24/00 5:13:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time, lwdent@fwi.com
<<...on I-69 and the junk yard is on the west side of the highway
somewhere around Anderson, IN (south I think, perhaps 15 miles) There are no
signs and I am not sure if it sells anything...Lots of Datsun roadsters,
lots of strange looking stuff in there. >>
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Wrong. It is I 69 and the junk yard is on the west side of the highway
somewhere around Anderson (south I think, perhaps 15 miles) There are no
signs and I am not sure if it sells anything as I have seen cars coming
into the field for 20 years now and never have seen one parted out.
Lots of Datsun roadsters, lots of strange looking stuff in there. I
have the feeling that it is some kook that just buys old junk and
wrecked cars and dumps them in his field. There may be a fence up now.
I used to make that trip 2 to 3 times a month when I was working for 3M
as much of my business was in Indy and I live in Fort Wayne. Retarded
now so I don't go that way often.
Good luck.