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Re: Digital Camera [O.T.]

To: "Marc Tyler" <>,
Subject: Re: Digital Camera [O.T.]
From: "fredkatz" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 10:04:40 -0700

Excellent point. I've got 60 year old family pictures still in good shape.
On the other hand, I have 15 year old pics that are messed up. The key is
"properly stored"! A lot of plastic sheet covers have acids that eat
pictures, and negs can be scratched easily. A lot of computer media will be
useless in ten years unless one moves the digital media to newer formats. In
my early programming days my code went to punched paper tape spools and reel
tape; I still have some but the readers are in museums. Also happened with
8-inch and 5-1/4-inch floppies, etc. CD-RW's are guaranteed up to 100 years
life, but I'll still move the digital pics to newer media as it's invented.
The media may last a long time, but devices don't (hard drives have a 100%
failure rate over time).

BTW, my color digital printouts are better than instamatic prints with cheap
standard cameras. But good 35-mm cameras still beat them (I just don't like
the hassle of scanning pics).

Fred -So.SF

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Tyler" <>
To: "Frank Roggeband" <>; "Roadster list"
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: Digital Camera

> Pardon the off topic soap-box time, but...
>      If there's anything you want to actually look at in 10 years, stick
> to film!
> Howmany of you out there have 760k floppies you can't read or worse tons
> of work done on Ataris Amigas, Amstrads and other defunct
> platforms...lost forever.  Take a neg or slide taken with your dad with
> his argus camera during WWII to the photo lab, and you can get copies, no
> problem.
>      As a rule of thumb, B/W is the most stable (lasts centuries) Slide
> film, properly stored, is pretty good, may last 100 years if it's
> Kodachrome (Frank, can you still get Kodachrome?)  Unfortunately color
> Negative film's life can be measured in decades.
>      I'm lazy, I use digital camera for web-based stuff, and color neg
> film in general, but when a project turns out well, or seems important
> (like when my roadster was completed about a decade ago, I use slide film.
> -Marc T.
> Off the soapbox.

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