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Re: vinyl question

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: vinyl question
From: Marc Tyler <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 11:01:19 -0500 wrote

>I just installed a complete vinyl kit from CDM this year.  I used a product 
>called contact cement.  There are several different companies that produce 
>such a product.  It either comes in a tube, small bottle or can.  Buy a 
>size can and several cheap paint brushes.  This should be enough for the 
>entire interior plus extra if it comes loose later.

Since you live in SF where it doesn't get hot, you're probably safe, but 
off the shelf contact cements get gooey in the heat.  I used Neoprene 
cement purchaced at an auto trim supply in LA, and it held fine till my 
move to Texas, it has since started letting go (bear in mind though, this 
is 10 years later.  I've reglued the offending pieces with 3M NF-30 
fastbond cement.  It is water dispersed, and is in a very low hazard 
class.  This is a bit of an experiment, check back with me in a few 
years.  I did see some tests done with this glue at an effects shop I 
worked in in LA.  They glued various materials (rubber, foam, fabric) and 
after curing soaked some samples in water for a week, left other samples 
in the foam curing oven for a week (240 deg f.) The stuff held even when 
hot.  Let's see how the roadster test-bed does.

Marc Tyler
1970 1600 #SPL311-31016
1965 L-320 #L320 013642 (the misspent ute)
Sisterdale TX 

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