I bought a book on auto electrical systems and it covers all this:
Automotive Electrical Handbook by Jim Horner printed by HPBooks ISBN
----- Original Message -----
From: Ryan, Richard <>
To: 'Datsun Roadsters' <>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 3:59 PM
Subject: Wiring
> I am rewiring one of my other toys (Super 7). Does anyone have
> recommendations on what gage wire to use for the various applications?
> For example, what gage for lights? What gage for the fuel pump? What
> circuits require heavier wire? I'm using welding cable for the main
> to starter lead.
> Has anyone used one of the pre-assembled (with fuses, switches, etc.) hot
> rod type wiring harnesses?
> Dick Ryan ex. 24022
> (650)312-4022
> Risk Management Dept.
> SM 2000/2
> FAX (650)312-5830