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RE: Towing a car for the first time...

Subject: RE: Towing a car for the first time...
From: Ken Pearce <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 12:28:36 -0500 (CDT)
Just a few words of wisdom on towing from my cross-country experience
last month.  If you use ratchet straps, make sure that the straps are
not chaffing against anything.  Halfway through my first night of towing
my roadster on a flatbed, I noticed one of the nylon ratchet straps had
been cut and two more were starting to come apart because they were
rubbing against the trailer rail.  I repositioned the straps so that
they couldn't chaffe AND I added CHAINS with turnbuckles in addition to
the straps.
My trailer/truck combo was stable up to about 65mph, over that and
things would get squirrelly.  Keep the speed reasonable, check the
straps often the first few hundred miles, and you should be fine.

Ken Pearce, 68-2000
Vancouver, BC

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