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RE: 1600 overheating fixes

Subject: RE: 1600 overheating fixes
From: "Patrick J. Horne" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 14:55:52 -0500

  Thanks for your reply.  I forgot to mention that my timing was spot on and 
the engine is running rich.  While I know that running 200 deg. is fine, I 
prefer to have a more consistant temperature on my roadsters like my other 
cars do.  The only time the temperature gauge rises on my pickup and van
is when I am pulling my loaded 5000 lb. trailer at highway speeds.

> Patrick what temperature are you trying to achieve.  180 is a good running
> temperature, even 200 on a hot day like you have is fine.  Run Mobil 1 and
> forget about it.  If you're running high compression than a higher Octane is
> needed.  Also what's your timing set at?  More advanced the hotter it will
> run, also are you running too lean...  just my 2c 
> Good Luck,
> Wayne



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CS Dept, University of Texas, Austin, Tx. 78712 USA 
voice (512)471-9517, fax (512)471-8885

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