Not active with the cars much due to lots of work. Here I am at work, busy
pumping out documents and I go to a printer room to pick up some of them.
And I find a printout of internet roadster pictures on top of the output
I grabbed it, thinking I don't remember printing anything but I don't want
to get caught using company stuff. Wait a minute, I haven't been checking
roadsters lately! A co-worker comes in to retrieve it, and was quite
surprised that I'm into Datsun roadsters. It's been a dream of his to buy a
Datsun roadster, and now he is seriously looking around for one and doing
some research on the internet. I've had roadster pictures all over my
cubicle but he never had a clue, despite being about 25 feet away for the
last couple years. Small world! With computers, us systems guys don't hang
around much with applications guys.
He's got a Peugeot sports car, but wants to dump it in favor of a Datsun.
Smart man! Soon, we'll have another BADROC member.
So, if anyone has any leads on roadsters for sale in California, let me
know and I'll forward them on to him. I'm steering him towards 2000's,
although a 1600 might do if we can transplant a 2000 into it. He's a
novice, as he thought all Datsun roadsters had 150HP powerplants. Nice
thought, but he's now learning some details!
Fred - So.SF, CA