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To: "Lanzarotti, Vanessa" <>
Subject: Re:
From: Steve Harvey <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 05:48:34 -0500
Hi Vanessa,
Welcome to the list. How many roadster's do you think you could fit in the back
of the 18 wheeler? I see a Shasta trip in your future.
Steve Harvey
P.S. Post your car info. so we can add you to the roadster register.

Lanzarotti, Vanessa wrote:

>  Hi Bill,
> I am afraid you were misinformed!!  You met the HUSBAND of a roadster owner
> ( he called me soon after flagging you down).  I am the wife and the
> roadsters are mine, all mine.
> I fell in love with roadsters when my dad bought his brand new in the late
> sixties.  We attended the spring meeting in TX and look forward to more
> roadster activities.
> Vanessa and Mark Lanzarotti
> Fort Worth, TX
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Hatfield
> To:
> Sent: 8/23/2000 9:07 PM
> Hi All:   I was driving down the street today and I went by an 18
> wheeler.  Once past he starts honking and flashing the lights.  Wants
> me to pull over,so I pull into a parking lot.  He gets out and starts
> looking over my roadster.  Turns out he's a roadster owner from Ft.
> Worth.  (Who would have thought it here in the far S/E corner of NM?)
> He has a 66& a 68 and said he'd be joining us here on the list before
> long.
>       Roadsters must be magnetic the way they draw owners together.
> Ain't it great?
>                                           Bill  6&67spls in NM

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