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Re: Newbie

To: Stephen McCartney <>
Subject: Re: Newbie
From: Roman Rist <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 01:41:24 -0700 (PDT)
--- Stephen McCartney <> wrote:
> Which brings some other questions:  What's the registry?  Is it just
> a way 
> to keep track of the actual cars?  And do you want pics?

Stephen, good questions.
The Question has come up many times, " how many are left", and yes it
is  just away to keep track of our cars. It is more important than that
though, just as the people who "just keep track of" how many bald
eagles there are still in the united states are important to the
preservation of the species.

The registry is like that, A way to document the cars that are still
alive, so that the breed will survive.
Let's face it our cars are rare, and have been an overlooked classic in
the world of other "collectable cars"
A 66 frame up restored MGB  is worth much more than a 66 frame up
Datsun Roadster restoration, but the Roadster is 10 times the car!!
( see gordon Glasgow's site on the roadster)
The registry is a part of the effort to keep our breed alive!
Every ones participation in this, will in a small way contribute to the
interest in the cars continuing.

Yes, I will be needing pictures!
Right now, however, the format is;

city, state, country if outside of the US
year and model of car
operational status ( parts cars, wrecks, etc. don't count)
the car has to be operational or is on the way to being so

Thanks for your participation, and enjoy your car!
Roman Rist
Roadster Registry 2000 

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