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Re: speedo and tach question again.

Subject: Re: speedo and tach question again.
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 13:59:55 -0700
Ken asks:
> I want to use brake clean or something simular 
> and try to spray the inside of the gauges (glass side up so hopefully the 
> brake clean wont touch the dial) and let the chemical run out the back then 
> spray it with WD40 to lube it. Any pro's or con's to this?

Don't do it. At best you'll filthy up the dials, at worst you'll destroy
what's left of the gauges.

First, no matter how careful you are, the aerosol will mist inside the
case and spot the inside of the glass and the dial face (trust me on this).
Second, as already pointed out, spray lubes like WD40 aren't permanent
and will not last. The assemblies need high quality grease. Also, brake
cleaner will nicely strip what's left of the lube, then the WD40 fails and
you have metal on metal contact - goodbye gauge.

To be more depressing, the bushings have probably already worn and
are why the needle is bouncing in the first place. Getting them
regreased may quiet things down, but it may not.

Check with a speedo shop and see how much (ouch!) they want to
rebuild them. You can try fixing it yourself, but unless you're feeling
really lucky, it'll be cheaper to pay a pro.

Also, make sure the drive cables are in good shape! It may not be the
gauge at all!

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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