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Re[2]: Another Radiator question

To: "datsunmike" <>
Subject: Re[2]: Another Radiator question
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 17:27:26 -0700
Mike is right. Just recoring your rad won't guarantee that your engine will 
run cool.

I rebuilt a U20 last year. When I tore it down, all the internal 
passageways were gunked up. I had the U20 block hot-tanked. It came back 

But I was surprised when I found pieces of loose casting metal inside some 
passageways. Some of these were about a quarter-inch thick and 2 or 3 
inches long. I fished them out, and used a dremel tool to clear some of the 
other obstructions. After the rebuild, the engine never runs hot. But if I 
didn't clear those passages who knows what could have happened. Sooner or 
later I would have had a blockage preventing the coolant from circulating.

Fred - So.SF, CA
P.S. I also did a 3-row recore.

______________________ Reply Separator __________________________
Subject: Re: Another Radiator question
Author:  "datsunmike" <>
Date:    8/4/2000 7:25 PM

Well the rads certainly help but I think the newer engines also have better 
internal cooling passages and routing too.
66 Mike
----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick J. Horne <> 
To: Marc Tyler <>
Cc: roadster List <> 
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: Another Radiator question
> Bend a paper clip of other small wire into an "L" shape with the short 
side being about
> 1/8".
> Slide the clip in between fins from the front of the radiator until the 
wire comes out the back.  This
> is best done right against either the top or bottom tank. 
> There are tubes that run from top to bottom with the fins between them. 
Use the hook to feel
> how many tubes there are as you slowly pull it out.  You will feel 2, 3, 
or 4.
> In more modern times it was discovered that adding more rows was not the 
best way to get the
> most cooling out of a radiator.  The newer high efficiency radiators have 
more than twice as
> many fins as the older ones.  This really helps on the cooling. 
> Peace,
> Pat
> > List,
> >      Is there a way to determine by looking how many rows a radiator 
> >
> > -Marc T.
> --
> - Support Habitat for Humanity, A "hand up", not a "hand out" - 
> Pat Horne, Network Manager, Shop Supervisor, Future planner
> CS Dept, University of Texas, Austin, Tx. 78712 USA 
> voice (512)471-9517, fax (512)471-8885

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