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Re: Speeding - Confessions of a Lurker - ( Very Long)

To: "Mark Gill" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Speeding - Confessions of a Lurker - ( Very Long)
From: "Mike Faggart" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 09:01:03 -0400
YOU GO MARK, GREAT Story, you need to publish that one,  thx for the smile I
got from reading this. Mike Faggart
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Gill" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 7:49 PM
Subject: Speeding - Confessions of a Lurker - ( Very Long)

> Hello List,
> Recently joined the list and acquired a 1970 SRL311 14359.  The white
> roadster was really in good shape when I bought it, but the engine did not
> run.  After purchasing, I had the car trucked from Northern California to
> Denton, Texas.  It was then (after reading all of the original owners
> documentation) that I discovered that it looks like the second owner
> driven the car for maybe 16-17 years.  With a local Nissan (Bankston
> mechanic's expertise, the car was running in just a couple of hours, and I
> drove it home.
> Then the fun began.  Started to replace some of the hoses, gaskets, etc.
> that had deteriated due to age.  It seemed that for the next 3 months
> time I drove it, something else would start leaking or not work due
> primarily to father time.  I have really become familiar with the parts
> books on line plus religously use the Roadster List Archives.  Thought
> putting the PC in the garage, but didn't have a phone jack available.  I
> admit that I've printed well over a hundred postings from Thomas Walters,
> Gordon Glasgow, and many others from the Roadster's Achives (Thanks for
> sharing your knowledge and experience).
> One hot night (this is Texas), I had just replaced a set of sinking, gas
> leaking floats in the SU carbs.  Pretty easy job, and was feeling proud of
> my mechanical prowess ;-).  So I crank the roadster and she purrs and
> doesn't leak.  Decide to just drive her a few blocks and still no leaks.
> Drive her around Denton's town square and the exhaust noise echos bring
> that Datsun Roadster grin to the proud driver (you know the feeling).  So
> decide to really enjoy the ride and jump on I-35 going North away from
> Dallas.
> The U20 is performing great.  The roadster has lots of get up and go and
> cruises effortlessly at 70 MPH.  The top is down and the miles fade
> in the rear view mirror, as I keep a careful watch for any friendly State
> Troopers along the interstate.  After driving almost to Gainesville, TX
> miles), I pull off the interstate, use my last few bucks to top off the
> tank, and look carefully for any leaks.  Not a single drop!  The buttons
> almost pop off my slightly greasy shirt.
> I turn south and head back to Denton.  As I bring the Roadster up to the
> legal speed limit (70MPH), my mind reflects on some recent postings about
> the Roadster's Top Speed.  It's after 11 PM. Traffic is pretty light.
> would be a good time to experiment.  Slight pressure with the right foot,
> and Oh yes, the Roadster agrees!!!  Quick glance to the speedo and 75, 80,
> and 85 are easy.  The tach says that the engine has not even started to
> breath hard.
> I look up again, and notice that the Roadster has just passed a new Bright
> Yellow Vette with chrome wheels.  The Corvette responds as I point the
> Roadster back to the Interstate's right hand lane.  The Corvette pulls
> alongside of the shiny off-white Roadster and carefully looks over the
> 30 year old Datsun.  After a thorough stare and another whiff of Datsun
> dust, the Corvette accelerates (Have you noticed how  Vettes hate to be
> passed by a 4 cylinder car).  My right foot requests the Roadster to
> respond.  The U20 four banger doesn't even grunt as we keep pace and
> accelerate past 90, 95, 100, 105, and Yes, Yes, Yes Oh Glory!  The little
> Roadster speedo just grins and says Hello!! to 110 MPH.  The tach is no
> where close to red line, but this feels like the end of the get up and go.
> Have to watch the road now, because those mile markers are moving kind of
> fast.  I take a long glance over to the Corvette and try not to grin too
> :-).  We just top a small rolling hill, and I look down the road to insure
> that the road is all clear.  And there is the biggest Texas State Trooper
> Car just pulling across the interstate medium.  His blinking lights
> and dust from his rear tires boils out, as he watches two fools in sports
> cars blow by in excess of 100MPH going south.
> I try to slow down without hitting my brakes, and I turned very pale, kind
> of an off white to match my Roadster.  The Yellow Vette takes off with
> everything he has left.  The State Trooper flashes his spot light across
> little white Datsun, and I tried to remember how to look innocent.  Then
> thankfully, the Trooper floored it to go after that Really Big Yellow Fish
> still blowing and going.  I watched with a slightly smaller grin, as the
> flashing lights disappeared over the next hill.  Now, I may understand
> goes through the mind of a small fish, that is caught but thrown back to
> grow some more.
> I drive the rest of the way home making sure that I am at least 5 miles
> under the legal limit.  I am filled with mixed emotions:
> 1.  Guilty that I was having so much fun, while acting like a kid.
> 2.  Thankful that I do not have to explain to my three teenage drivers how
> their balding father got such a ridiculous speeding ticket.
> 3.  Proud of how this 30 year old Datsun still had real performance guts.
> 4.  Thoughtfulness as I try to figure what Top Speed could be with a
> complete Solex kit??
> Lurking and enjoying the ride,
> Mark Gill
> SRL311 14359
> Denton, Texas
> Thanks again to everyone for the technical info and encouragement that
> passes through the list!!!!
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