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Re: Electical station

To: "Patrick J. Horne" <>
Subject: Re: Electical station
From: Marc Tyler <>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 14:29:47 -0500
Patrick J. Horne wrote

> As for the fuse block, I haven't decided on one 
>particular unit yet.  I want something that uses the newer ATC type fuses. 
> I am spending 
>time in junk yards looking for something that fits my need that is easy to 
>connect to and
>that doesn't cost a fortune.  I found some combination fuse and relay 
>boxes on the
>net intended for custom roadsters, but they didn't have enough locations 
>for relays and
>were too expensive. My next trip to the junk yard will be for an early 
>'80s VW Rabbit.  

I did happen to see a 6 fuse block in JC Whitney for $24.95.  It uses the 
new style fuses and has a clear Lexan Cover. (item 03DX7115W)

When  you head to the wrecking yard, do you want an assistant?

-Marc T.

Marc Tyler
1970 1600 #SPL311-31016
1965 L-320 #L320 013642 (the misspent ute)
Sisterdale TX 

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