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Re: rear brakes-- engine stalling

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: rear brakes-- engine stalling
From: "Amy & Erik" <>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 23:19:17 -0500
Thanks for the info  As it turns out, at one time the pads did rub on the
drum, but this time it was just the thin dust shield rubbing on the cooling
fins.  It left such a thin scrape mark, it wasn't easy to see.  Guess I
should have kept it simpler in looking for the problem.

But a new problem has arised.  Twice now after driving for  a while or so,
engine warmed up, 65 degrees out at night, my car just dies.  Cruising along
just fine then all of a sudden it gets real quiet.   Coast to a stop an try
to start with nothing.  The pull the coil wire fron the distributor and it
has good spark.  After a few minutes think if I should wake up my wife for a
tow home, try again and it starts. I have replaced coil, wires, cap, rotor
and points in the past few months so I am assuming something fuel related.
I also have gone on some longer drives in 90 deg heat with no problems.
Granted my solo night drives are at a more "spirited" pace than those in the
daytime with my understanding, but not enthusiastic wife.  Where do I start?

PS anybody want to trade a working 1970 2000 clock or any other gauges for a
trio of Fairlady badges- or 2 1600 and one fairlady badge?
Erik Smeby
2L 1600- midnight cruiser
Badged as a 2000 by the PO and it is starting to bug me.

Amy & Erik wrote:

> Does anybody have a set of rear drum pads that they could measure the
> for me?

You are in luck, as I have not put the rear brakes back on my roadster yet.
My rear brake shoes measure 1 9/16 inches wide.

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