You must know that in Japan you can buy softcore porn from a vending machine
on the street. They have different ideas about the male/female relationship
than most Americans typically do.
Mitch Planck
Chelsea, MI
'69 1600
spl311-25379 - running rustbucket
'69 2000
srl311-13698 - junked for parts
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Pam & Paul
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 8:02 PM
To: Roadster List
Subject: re: insulted again
Not only does Nissan know what a Fairlady is, they promote their products in
Japan in ways that would probably get your average male a belt across the
chops here in the USA if he even mentioned concepts like this! I can't read
it. It may be completely, or mostly, harmless. It sure got me to thinking,
Paul Bauman
Westminster, CA
67 1600