Ditto on what Rob said. If somone's gonna do this - DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST
TIME. Let's not get scattered bits. It's gotta be a full-term project -
someone's gotta babysit the thing to keep abreast of all the NON-internet
connected roadsters out there + act as a hub or depot for collecting PAPER
information. I think the orig. reg. fell apart because of lack of practical
means for updating.
Plus you have to consider all those folks out there who value their privacy.
Let's face it, not everyone trusts the WWW these days - they may not feel
comfortable posting all their info. (fear of big brother, theft,
what-have-ya). If these roadsters are left out, how accurate can our count
be?!?!?! We need a means of having both a "private" listing (maybe printed -
members only?????) and a "public" (internet) listing w/the option of minimal
info available.
THen there's the problem of tracking the figs: I think no one really has any
"hard data" on how many TOTAL rdstrs were produced.
I'd really like to see this project off the ground. I know for sure it's not
gonna be as simple as it sounds to do it right. With some careful
collaboration & planning, tho' I think it will/can happen !
Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
69 SRL311
Chandler, AZ