In a message dated 7/12/00 10:42:35 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
> Ewwuuu! I've been using a bucket of Chem-dip parts cleaner solvent to clean
> some parts, and it takes a couple days. So how long did the barf take? If
> the research data pans out maybe we'll all be looking for cats.
> Fred - So.SF, CA
So howabout some Ipecac in the 9-Lives?!?!?!?!?? (in the parts section no
less!) <G>
(now the SNL fake commercial for hair-ball stuff is running through my head -
thanks guys <groan>) <ACK> <ACK> <ACK> (Bill the cat just floated through
there as well!)
Of course that is a real danger - I remember Mom's cats getting locked in
Dad's garage over the years and all sorts of kitty-revenge happened. Whizzing
in his toolbox, leaving turds in the kitty litter on the oily spot underneath
the Olds ( OK - they get small credit for trying on that one!) having kittens
in the back seat of the XK6 that had the windows down, 1/2-eaten dead things
left all week in the middle of his carb-rebuilding projects, jumping in pans
of fresh drained tranny fluid....... you get the picture.
Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
69 SRL311
Chandler, AZ
(Putting some Pepto Bismol next to MY kitty's dish just in case <G>)