Jeez, that makes me jealous! I live near Ann Arbor, MI and was pleased to
get regular at $1.98 yesterday. I had been paying well over $2 for a few
weeks now.
And thanks everybody for the nice notes about my new website. I joined the
webring at Laurie's invite too.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 3:00 PM
Subject: sort of OT - local fuel prices
Was just reading news and yet another horror story about the price of petrol
( yes, Kyle, PETROL <wink>) popped up. So just for curious comparison,
whattya all pay & where?
Great Phx. area is avg $ 1.39/1.49/1.59 gal for the 3 grades at the likes of
( they dont' even charge Xtra for all the DIRT in it !)
The *really good smelling gas* at the airport was $2.09 last weekend
Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
69 SRL311
Chandler, AZ