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Re: Roadster wanted - Defense

Subject: Re: Roadster wanted - Defense
From: "Mick T" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 12:05:51 PDT
  Not to add to any flame or anything, but as a 'non-roadster-owner' myself, 
I'm not sure I would know what my preferences were either. I have (3) 510's 
(and yes, they also come in many flavors), but as I have been looking for a 
roadster in the northwest, I would have to say the almighty dollar has been 
controlling my search. I do know I would rather have a 2000 over a 1600, but 
other than that, It's up to my pocket book to determine what I can get. 
Also, as for offering advice to the list, I'll probably have to remain in 
leech mode for a while when I do finally get a roadster. But, I guess that 
is still no excuse for being an overall ass to everyone on the list, when 
they were just trying to get more information......


>--- John Mikes <> wrote:
> > Jeez,
> >
> > All I want to do is buy a car. I'm not in the market
> > for lectures.
> >
> > Let me see if I can make this clear to all of you. I
> > want a roadster. I know
> > about roadsters. I'm open to the type of car I buy
> > within certain broad
> > parameters. If it strikes my fancy, I might buy a
> > tubbed, pro street, big
> > block roadster. Or I might like a perfectly restored
> > stock roadster. Or
> > anything in between. I might buy one with a U motor,
> > I might buy one with an
> > L motor, I might buy one with no motor at all. If
> > the car I like is in
> > Boonesville, Missouri, or Miami, Florida, or
> > Timbuktu, California, I will go
> > get it. I will hook up the trailer, unload the Ralt,
> > and drive to wherever
> > the car is located. I will exchange money for car.
> > Then I will come home and
> > unsubscrinbe to this list and enjoy my car.
> >
> > So, if you have or know of a car that is for sale,
> > please let me know.
> >
> >
>For a guy who "knows" so much about roadsters, I'd say
>you'll have a problem buying one with an "L" motor,
>unless you get one that has been replaced with a
>Sentra motor, FYI, "genius" the 1600 is an "R" motor.
>BTW, I'll kinda be glad when you unsubscribe to this
>list, pal...
>Mike Harper, (you figure out where I'm from...)
>Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!


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