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Re: <OT> boss w/a pick axe- my scary day

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: <OT> boss w/a pick axe- my scary day
From: "Sean Trevelyan" <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 10:49:39 +1000
Hi Laurie,

I feel you really do need to do something about it - because they next
person may not be as lucky as you.  Are you in a union?- they may be the
best bet.  Also a rag doll - stick a few pins in it while thinking of him -
that would probably help you.  And then some deep breathing.  But glad you
are able to drive around in your roadster - and hope you get a new job soon
and we can all think nice thoughts in your direction that it will be a
better job.

Roadster content:  OK I've got the starter motor fixed and the car started
but I have two cars in the driveway in front of mine - one without a battery
and ONE WITHOUT A MOTOR - in my next life I'm not going to have
but still I can go vroom vroom in the garage and at least I have it under
cover now, that took some doing (well actually threats and screaming) I
haven't had a garage for 6 years and we actually have 4 of them.

Best of luck Laurie- and no more bad dreams - just enjoy driving around in
your lovely summer weather.

67 1600
Sydney, Australia
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 3:27 AM
Subject: <OT> boss w/a pick axe- my scary day

> Yes, it's off-topic, but I gotta vent. Thanks to my Roadster Family for
> lending an ear (or eyeball as it would be)
> Up until 3:30pm yesterday I was employed by a microchip tape & reel outfit
> Tempe, AZ - Back-End Technologies. Those of you in the industry may have,
> will hear of it as they are growing rapidly w/ambitions to be a US leader
> the field. They do a LOT of work for Motorola and other such large
> The boss is a notoriously abusive hard-@$$. He has always been verbally
> abusive to all of his employees, and no one in the office was exempt from
> attacks. For almost a full year I was able to put up wtih it. We regularly
> head such things as " I hate you all" coming over the loudspeaker,
> announcements of "Any one who pisses me off today will have their throat
> slit", and many variations of the "women are idiots" theme. All included
> gratuitious use of the "F-word" and other such colorful language. I
> personally was told when my 7 yo little girl was very sick to "Throw the
> F***ing thing in the garbage." An unwritten part of my job description was
> "damage-control" - smoothing things over with our many vendors after they
> come in contact with him.
> Friday was the last straw for me. Our shop is moving and between all of
> confusion created there, and lunches of the office personnel,  the phone
> not get answered for a whole 10 min. It was the wrong 10 min, as the boss
> called then. <shaking head> When he got back to the shop he let loose his
> fury.
> It all came to a head with this hair-triggered, (mentally distrurbed?)
> angry guy  screaming directly at me about everything that had pissed him
> that week - and (this is the best ie:SCARIEST part) waving a hand-held
> pick-axe type tool directly in my face. I told him to put it down several
> times, but he didn't. About then the "background" processing took over,
and I
> was looking for a way outta the room - condsidering my options if he
> took a swing at me. I got out of the room physically unharmed, but shaken,
> and without a job. I thank the *Powers That Be* for giving Mr. LeClair the
> control to NOT slice my head open - but knowing what I do about him, it
> easily could have happened.
> Shaken, I left - but with enough foresight to photocopy my timecard. I
> two witnesses that were right there in the office, but I have no idea if I
> should take this any further. Police? OSHA? ACLU? Overall,  I am just so
> to be outta there. It did give me bad dreams all last night - I hope they
> away soon.
> Roadster Content: now I get to drive around town in it to find a new job.
> Thanks for the time.
> Laurie
> (jobless & shaken in the East Valley)
> 70 SPL311
> 69 SRL311
> Chandler, AZ

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