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To: "Roadsters (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Quotes
From: "Hall, Phillip" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 15:30:18 -0500
Hey list -

That E-bay price made me think of some quotes from the last couple weeks.

Boss who is a British car nut.  "I have a friend that owned a Datsun
Roadster.  I think they are boring".  "Why"  I ask.  "because they never

New neighbor who has a XKE.  "I would NEVER think of driving my Jag all the
way to Gatlinburg - I could not trust it".   It is only a 4.5 hour trip!

PS  Checking the garage tonight for parts to put on E-bay.  That 25,000
Roadster my be in my budget after all.

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