I suspect one of the reasons SCC still does 510 articles occasionaly is because
their Engineering
Editor, Dave Coleman, is a true Datsun nut. He joined Northwest Datsun
Enthusiasts years ago while
he was still in high school here in Seattle. He used to have a roadster with an
L18 in it. He and
his buddy Jeff Payne were co-editors of our newsletter, where it became obvious
that he had some
major writing talent.
While he was working on an ME degree at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, CA,
he entered and won a
contest in which the prize was a three-week tour of Nissan's facilities in
Japan. There were
actually about 30 winners included in the tour. One of the people he met on the
tour was the
designer of the Sentra SE-R, whose first car was a 510 (why am I not
surprised?). He also came back
with a picture of the prototype Bluebird (510), autographed by the designer.
He picked up a part-time job at RS Akimoto (Japanese car tuner-type company)
while he was still in
school, then went full-time after he graduated as chief development engineer.
That put him in
contact with the people at SCC and now he has the dream job - travel all over
the world driving fast
cars, build project cars with someone else's money and get paid for it. In the
same issue that has
the 510 article (and you can probably see Kelvin's car at Shasta), there is one
about their SE-R
project car eating up BMW M3's at Buttonwillow. That's Dave behind the wheel in
the lead picture,
and I suspect he did a lot of the driving, too.
Plus he's always been a helluva good guy. It's nice when the good guys win.
datsunmike wrote:
> Nice article about a modified five and dime in the July issue of Sports
> Compact Car. Also a decent tech article about shocks.
> Other than some articles about some of those stupid super modified Hondas
> w/18" wheels, there are generally some decent aticles in the magazine. Boy
> Oh Boy do some of those "youngsters" spend all kinds of stupid money on
> their cars. Where do they get it all? And most of them ruin their cars by
> lowering them so much they have no wheel travel and no way to jack up their
> cars especially if they break down. YukYukYuk!! And some of them take nice
> looking cars and make them FUGLY w/all those body kits and wings.
> '66 Mike
Gordon Glasgow