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Beach to Beach Run

Subject: Beach to Beach Run
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2000 18:21:03 PDT
Hello All,

A great time was had by all who showed up for the SoCalROC meet and run. We 
had nine cars show up including Newcomers Like Fergus O'Farrell and his 
Maroon 69 2000, to returning heroes like Todd Barker  is his 66 2000 

The people who were there:

Andrew Murphy and Liz Vipond in their 70 2000
Craig Carter    70 2000
Fergus O'Farrell   69 2000
Todd Barker    66 2000 Weber's ( Car has the greatest history...)
Jon Frampton and his TOTALLY tricked out 67.5 1600
Bob Klemme in his nice 67.5 2000 SRL311-00438 (Totally Jealous of this car)
Jim M in his 70 1600
Tom Meyer in his 67 1600
Roman Rist in his 66 1600

We even had a new member Bunny. Bunny is a very nice lady who bought a 1970 
1600 and it is currently being redone in the San Fernando Valley. She came 
all the way to Huntington Beach just to see the cars and get some ideas. 
Bunny is going for Red with Black leather interior...

After spending time looking at the cars and shooting the breeze, we hopped 
in and headed south down PCH towards Doeheny. With the exception of a nice 
sprint from Newport to Laguna Beach, the traffic was pretty bad. But we 
still had plenty of fun and when we got Doheny, we stopped and had lunch 
where we traded stories about our cars, where Jon Frampton (who has poured A 
LOT of money) into his car said I may as well give up and just frame off my 
car. I don't think so.......

We broke up the meet with the promise that our next run will be Palomar. 
Probably not until after Shasta. BTW list, I have decided to take my 67 2000 
Solex on the trip.

So another great time was had by all and I look forward to seeing all my 
roadster buds at the next event. Shasta!

Andrew Murphy
67 2000 Solex
70 2000



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