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Re: Helf for an old Ford friend

Subject: Re: Helf for an old Ford friend
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 13:18:38 PDT
Hey Gary,

Hope your friend finds the help he wants. I know there are a lot of lists 
associated on the net. Have him search for fords on the internet.

BTW, Can I get a ride in the 1668 Solex car? Be pretty wild to ride in a 300 
year old car. ;-)

Andrew Murphy

>Subject: Helf for an old Ford friend
>Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 15:49:53 EDT
>I tried to send this a few days ago and don't know if it made it:
>If anyone on this list knows of a list similar to ours for owners of 30s
>Fords, please let me know.  A neighbor is restoring a '37 Ford pickup and 
>stumped and could use help.
>Gary C
>1966 1600
>1668 2000 solex


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