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Re: D-Day

Subject: Re: D-Day
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 13:30:45 PDT
To all.

I am a 30-something guy (OK 36) and I am well aware of D-day. I think that 
our country's history is such that you have to have an interest in it to 
know about some dates.

How many people out there know what the term 54-40 or fight! means? At one 
time it was one of the most recognized slogans in this country, but now, not 
one person in a hundred could indentify it.

Being proud of our history and the events that shaped it are a good thing. I 
served in the armed forces and I recognize the sacrifices of those who gave 
their lives on D-Day and other battles.

I agree with Robin. It's not the age that matters, it is the desire to know 
what has happened in our country's past. Those that forget history are 
doomed to repeat it.

Andrew Murphy

>From: "Robin Krause" <>
>Reply-To: "Robin Krause" <>
>Subject: Re: D-Day
>Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 12:31:08 PDT
>I'm not sure it's just the youngsters that have forgotten about D-Day. . .
>I was at Sears in my Roadster waiting for a package pick-up (yes, it was a
>small package).  The 75+ year-old man next to me looked at my car and said
>he'd never own one.  His reason was,"Yeah, I'm a December 7th."
>It only took me a few seconds to notice he was leaning on the front grill 
>his Mercedes. . .???
> >From:
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: D-Day
> >Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 14:01:30 +0000
> >
> >You should have told him it was "Saving Private Ryan"
> >day.
> >
> >Nomad Trash
> > > Roadster Content: Looks good!
> > >
> > > I put my flag out today knowing that it's not an offical flag flying
> > > day. Was getting the mail and a 30 something looking guy walking down
> > > the sidewalk says, "why do you have your flag out"? I say, "It's 
> > > He said, "What's that?" I say nothing. I can't speak. What the @#$% is
> > > going on?
> > > Steve Harvey
> > >


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