Well, I know Brian and have seen his car and while $20,000 may sound like a
lot, Brian spent extravigently on it and it could have fetched that,
especially in SF where a studio apartment rents for $2000 a month.
$2000 might have gotten you the tires and wheels.
68 1600
68 2000 (both of which together might be worth $7000)
At 10:06 PM 06/02/2000 EDT, Davesmbox@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 6/2/00 1:53:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>dneuman@stars.sfsu.edu writes:
><< The real estate
> agent that is showing the house next door came by and starting asking him
> about my roadster. This guy talked my roommates ear off about how he had
> a roadster just like mine and he just sold it for
>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>
>All real estate agents are full of shit. It goes with the territory. He
>probably sold it for $2000.