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Re: Easy Brake Switch Inquiry

Subject: Re: Easy Brake Switch Inquiry
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 20:22:48 PST8PDT
It was written:
> Brake switch is adjustable usually just above the pedal under the dash there
> should be a switch with wires coming out from it.

'68 thru '70 used a switch on the pedal.
'67 and earlier used a pressure switch connected into the brake lines
(under the hood - follow the lines from the master cylinder). I don't
know if 67.5 used pressure switch or pedal switch - I suspect pedal
switch because the 67.5 also has the dual master.

Air in the lines compresses, thus the lines don't build much pressure.
Bleed those brakes!

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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