Paul: My wife and I will be coming from Stanley, NC.
Leaving Friday night after work, will drive half way and be there early
saturday morning.
Anyplace you can reccomend to stay in the area? nothing fancy, just clean.
We are also heading to Shasta (flying) in July, looking forward to meeting
>From: "Paul" <>
>Reply-To: "Paul" <>
>To: "East Coast Roadster list" <>,
>Subject: MidOhio R.S.V.P.
>Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 07:59:40 -0400
> So who is coming to join OROC at MidOhio in June? I know Steve Harvey
>from Milwaukee is planning on showing up in his orange roadster for his
>debut. Our newest member, John Terlecky has plans to attend on Sunday.
>there have been rumors of a SLIVA coupe showing up!! Tom Phelan is
>on making his third straight appearance, this year coming up from North
>Carolina. I'm sorry to say Mark Dent isn't coming this year, but happy to
>report he is headed out west to represent east coast roadsters at the
>National's that week. He has prepared "MidOhio 2000" stickers for those in
>attendance this year ( Thanks Mark! ).
> Of course most of the OROC crowd will be there. Chris & Diane Luers and
>are planning to make it a three day weekend.
> Details of the event can be found at <> or just
>Drop me a line if you are coming in from out of state so we can help set up
>caravans where possible. And we would like to get an idea of how many
>parking places we need to save for Saturday. Sunday we have a corral on
>show field reserved. Come early so we don't get over run by ZACO & ZCCO.
>They are planning a big year also.
> Hopefully Carl Wright will be back this year from Indiana in his
>with a good supply of gas filters! Hopefully he'll convince Lee and Russ
>make the trip with him this year. MADROCK had been hinting at sending up a
>few roadster to represent them?
> And while I know it is a long ride, any body from the west coast headed
>out this way?