A few weeks ago I replaced the plugs on my car for the first time in several
years ( I don't use it as much as I would like but I had it stolen once and
before that vandalized once for the cheap ass radio I had in it) and I
noticed the rear plugs were black with carbon. Yesterday I replaced the
float needle to see if it was a leaky needle but to no avail. My trusty but
old Colortune told me I had to turn the mixture adjustment to the minimum.
Things which I changed prior to noticing the problem (or at least I think
1. Cut off rear resonator and replaced it with straight pipe.
2. Pertronix ignition.
3. New Facet electric fuel pump (checked yesterday for fuel pressure
and it was OK @ 3 lbs)
Things which I replaced/checked since the problem became evident:
1. Timing
2. Valve clearances
3. Changed float needle
4. Balance of the carbs w/unisyn.
5. Disassembled the dome and checked needle and jets and movement
6. Choke mechanism to check if it was sticking
Any ideas????????
'66 Mike from NYC