I guess I should say how much I appreciate the people who.
I have met from this list or a result of this list. As I said earlier
Bob and I went to the road races in Spokane on Sunday. Bob
ended up spending the night so he could drive up north of here to
a guy who takes parts across the border to Canada to get replated.
The Canadians don't have are environmental disposal laws yet, so there
are alot more plating outfits up there. I also didn't mention are new
member Craig from Montana and his girlfriend and son stopped by and
talked on there way through to Spokane for the weekend. He was able to
sit in a Roadster for the first time. Okay so there wasn't any doors on
it, but I think he got the idea of what it would be like to sit in his.
At the races there where three other Roadster
owners we talked to. They wanted to know if we where going to make it to
On Sunday I met up with Robin's friend from the Seattle area Steve and
he was telling me about Paul Jaremko's tranny problem. I told Steve that
he could use one of mine if he needed it to finish up the race weekend.
A few minutes ago I get a call from Paul Jaremko the Nissan dealer from
Spokane asking about the transmissions. He tells me that since they have
redone the motor on his 69' 2 liter they have been blowing all the other
Historic cars in the 2 liter class away. He also invited me to come over
to the Historic races in Seattle in July and also to Monterey in August.
He informs me the Microsoft guys are buying the one year old Formula one
cars and bringing them to the races in Seattle.
One more thing everyone seems to know Gordon Glasgow :-)
I can't believe the contacts and friends I have met from this list. I
when I started restoring my car all I had was a old Rallye catalog and a
neighbor with a 70' 2 liter.
Thankful for the list,