Both of my guages sort of work, but not accurately.
problems with the tach
The tach seems to run fine if rpm under 2500, anything over that it gets
stuck and doesn't go any higher. Is this something that could be fixed
easily, or do I need a new tach?
problems with the speedo
When I first got the car, the odometer didn't work, but after resetting the
trip meter, it started to work again. no problems there. The problem lies
with the accuracy with the speedo. It is going well over what I am driving.
If I am going about 60 it says about 80. Also when I get to about the 50-60
mph range the needle starts jumping wildly. Again how simple is this to fix?
Note: I have no experience fixing cars.
Hoon Kim
:/_()_____()_; '67 1600