In a message dated 5/25/00 6:04:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
<< That Slow Vara b#^%$&#$* finished in 15th. Some body tell me a roadster
couldn't take this field!
Motor Trend Tustin Thunder, held September 18-20 at MCAS (Marine Corps Air
Station) Tustin >>
Just happened to be at Tustin that Sat. with Les and "510 Dave." There was a
1600 roadster in the E Prod. field but I think he DNF'd. He runs regularly in
VARA but the driver is not too fast and the car looks a little worn.
HOWEVER...I went back on Sun. to watch the D Prod. race and a 2000 roadster
played whoop ass and won by 1/2 lap. (I think he let up last half of race to
avoid the tech police.)
Craig Carter
Fountain Valley, CA
1970 SRL-311#-14100
1968 SRL DP Racecars