The water hoses to the intake manifold on my 87 Mustang
GT actually cooled the intake manifold. The manifold
gets very hot since it is near the exhaust and also
bolted onto the hot engine block. I think it would be a
better idea to leave it hooked up.
Nomad Trash
> Brian writes:
> > I need to know if the pipe fittings from the emission controls to the
> > manifold are standard pipe fittings...
> NO!
> With brute force, you can make a standard fitting work - ONCE.
> (I assume we're talking about the four air injectors. The two
> fittings on the intake manifold are standard 1/4 pipe plugs)
> Tom Walter occasionally makes specially-shaped plugs, but he's
> been kinda busy with other things lately. You can buy a set from
> Rallye Roadster up in Washington.
> The 2000 engines need a specially shaped plug to prevent 'bird chirping'.
> Both Tom's and Rallye's plugs are correctly designed. BTW, I have a
> set of Tom's plugs in my 1600.
> > I also want to remove the hot water line from the intake manifold.
> Why? For daily drivers in real-world conditions, manifold preheaters
> are there for a legitimate reason.
> -- John
> John F Sandhoff Sacramento, CA