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heater control valve

To: <>
Subject: heater control valve
From: "Pam and Paul Bauman" <>
Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 23:34:47 -0700
Was removing the rust (and some of my skin) from bits and peices today with
a grinder and wire wheel when I got to the heater control valve. I remember
buying a new one from Datsun and installing it just before I put the car
away in the eighties, so I know it's not the original.

Anyone got a good way to test the little bugger for leaks before I put it
back into a newly painted and upholstered car?  It still moves smoothly and
there is no serious rusting or pitting that I can see inside. It looks good,
but...OHHH, those nasty water stains!

Iknow, I know! Buy a new one!

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