This morning I was surfing and I went to the Hemings Motor News
web site. After looking through the listings on Roadsters , (4) 1600's,
and (2) 2000's. I went to there club sites and noticed there where
only (2) Z clubs, (473) Corvette Clubs and no Datsun Roadster Clubs.
I will work with Daniel on getting NOWROC listed on there site.
This is free advertisement for clubs and more exposure. If we want
or cars to have a fair market value we should try to get into the
collector car main stream. Some of you have put your cars in area
car shows if we continue this practice there will be more exposure
for the Roadster.
We also where asked by to do a write up on our upcoming
Whidbey Island ride. I was also told that they where going to do one on
"Ladies at the Beach" The bay area event. One of the editors said they
looking for more Roadster articles. They have a great site and it will
be nice to
see a Roadster event on there site.
NOWROC also has there final logo done so we can work on our shirts
and jackets for those of you who have asked about them. We will try to
have some at the Whidbey Island Ride.
I am very excited on how the clubs and the Roadster community are coming
together lots of new members have come out of the wood work . I am sure
WyCroc organizers would agree with 13 cars showing up to there Tax