Andrew, Jon et al-
With Porsches, it's a matter of picking your venue. I had a run-in with a 911
late one
Sunday night back in '81 that was a good example of this.
I was in my '70 PL521 pickup (original L16 engine but slightly breathed on -
L18 valves,
Weber 2-barrel w/mechanical (vice vacuum) secondary, custom cam w/ skosh more
lift/duration) coming home to Silicon Valley over Hwy 17. For those who don't
know the
road, it's serious twisties, especially on the valley side, and steeper on that
side too.
I had a small load of lumber in the bed of the truck, and was approaching the
summit when
I came up behind an old 6-volt Beetle (I could tell by the dim headlights)
struggling up
the hill. I signaled, moved left and was going by him in a leisurely fashion
when some
idiot in a 911 comes flying up behind me and not only flashes his highs, he
totally beams
me - hitting the highs and leaving them on. I was thinking, "Jeez, get a life,
pal. I'm
here in an old truck, passing an even older VW - uphill. I'll be by him in a
second and
then you can go by!".
A moment or so later I was past the VW and I pulled back into the right lane
and let the
911 by. We were just cresting the summit at this point, heading down the Valley
side where
it gets steep and twisty, and the 911 pulled about 75 yards ahead and stayed
there. I was
a bit pissed at this point because this guy had been in such a hurry to blow by
me when
the road was straight and uphill and now he just sat there , so I thought I'd
see if he
had traded in his cojones as a down payment to buy his 911. I upped the urge on
the ol'
L16 and passed the guy in the inside lane on a turn. I kept him behind me all
the way
down the grade until we got down near the reservoir where the road levels and
out, when he his courage kicked in and he stuck his foot in it and blasted by
I was cracking up at this point - and he was probably hoping nobody saw him
being held off
in the twisty bits by an 11-year old Datsun truck with a load of lumber in the
I didn't own my Roadster at the time, but I am dying to get another crack at a
Porsche on
a road like that when my 2k is back on the street!
Gary McCormick
San José, CA
Andrew Murphy wrote:
> [snip]We probably will not be able to beat a 911, but so far any car in my
> is hard pressed to keep up.
> [snip]
> Andrew Murphy
> 67.5 2000 Solex
> >From:
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Racing Bummer
> >Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 22:36:53 -0700
> >
> > Just got home from taking my wife out to dinner and a little drag
> >adventure. Had a guy in a probably an early 80's Porsche 911 who decided
> >to play drag-boy from a stop light and I was more than obliged. I'm sorry
> >to say that he took me just a tad, especially in second gear. Just curious
> >to know how we (as in 69 2L) should stack up against a 911. I followed him
> >onto the freeway and was in the process of blowing him away in 3rd gear
> >when he called off the chase and took the next exit. Oh well, we live to
> >try again another day.....
> >
> >
> >P.S. Tom H. It's running pretty darn good ........