I just got back from a great 3 day weekend at Hood Canal , Washington State.
What an excellent time! Literally steps from the house we were able to pick
oysters, mussells and dig for clams. The Olympic mountains were in their full
glory and seals were barking and playing on the sound. And I got to teach my
best friend exactly what "enjoying the ride" meant.
Initially she thought it was simply ridng in the car and enjoying the the
scenery, etc. but then she got to see how much other people enjoyed looking at
and talking about the car. She was totally amazed when (for some very unknown
reason) the car wouldn't start and within seconds (about 15) there were two big
guys offering to give us a push to jump start. Happy as pie to do it. I love my
car and the joy it brings me on beautiful, sunny 3 day weekends!
Laura Hoey
'70 2000