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Re: Clarity

Subject: Re: Clarity
From: "sidney raper" <>
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 20:37:35 EDT
This reminds me of one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies.  
The movie was The Gumball Rally, and the character was Franco the Italian 
sports car driver.  He climbs into the CHERRY Ferrari Daytona convertible, 
rips the rear view mirror off of the car and as he is throwing it over his 
shoulder proclaims," The FIRST rule of Italian driving - what is behind me, 
is not important!"

I guess that he gave clear directions, hunh?

Roadster and Cobra Junkie
(yes, the Cobra winning at the end made the movie an instant classic!)

>Subject: Clarity
>Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 14:35:01 -0500
>If inclined, skip because there is no roadster content. (No this didn't
>happen to me, but I could see how it could!)
>The battery in my beat-up VW Beetle had died because I
>left the lights on overnight.  I was in a hurry to get to work on time so I
>ran into the house to get my wife to give me a hand to start the car.
>I told her to get into our second car, a prehistoric oversized gas guzzler,
>and use it to push my car fast enough to start it.  I pointed out to her
>that because the VW had an automatic transmission, it needed to be pushed 
>least 30 mph for it to start.  She said fine, hoped into her car and drove
>I sat there fuming wondering what she could be doing.  A minute passed by
>and when I saw her in the rear-view mirror coming at me at about 40 mph, I
>realized that I should have been a bit clearer with my directions.

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