most states laws say they have to have currant tags and be in running
condition or you have to have the parked in a building ...
Mike Kerr
Restoration Products
3730 todrob Ln.
Placerville, CA 95667
Ph# 530-644-6777
Fax# 530-644-6777
-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Greenwalt <>
To: <>
Cc: datsun roadsters <>; Roman Rist
Date: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 5:15 PM
Subject: OT: Re: MINT ROADSTER sighting/ Roadster values
>I am finding collecting older cars a problem. It seems to offend my
>neighbors. They complained to the zoning enfourcers. So I bought 5 acres
>in the country to store them. It offended those neighobrs too. I got a
>$1400 ticket for parking perfectly good cars on my property. Now I have
>to move the cars. To make matters worse, I can't sell them with out a
>dealers license. What a pain. America is no longer free if you can't
>park a car on your property.
>"But, are the cars junk?", you ask. Well I have the following with
>current tabs:
>Porsche 928
>Porsche 911
>Maserati Biturbo
>Honda DelSol
>Mazda rx7
>The roadster is being restored in my garage.
>ok, I have vented
>Kirkland, WA
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking at the SF Examiner auto ads today, and it occurs to me that
in the
>> collectors cars section (3 columns) I always see Datsun sprinkled among
>> Aston Martins, Lotus, MGs, Panteras, etc. But now that I think about it,
I don't
>> recall seeing Hondas, Mazdas, Mitsubishis, Toyotas, etc. Today there are
>> 240Z's, 2 2000 roadsters, and a 66 wagon (4sp, clean, runs well, $1700).
Do the
>> other Japanese imports just disintegrate after a while? Do the owners
shoot them
>> to put them out of their misery?
>> Also, I'm noticing more people seem to be getting into old car collecting
as a
>> hobby, and are looking around for a candidate car. One of my
>> told me Sunday that he wants to get into restoring a car; the only other
>> he was interested in was stocking his bar. My neighbor across the street
got a
>> 50's Caddie, the neighbor immediately right of me has a 60's Mustang, the
>> neighbor immediately left of me has a 60's Chevelle. They're all shocked
that I
>> drive my roadsters hundreds of miles away. Their cars stay close to home
>> sad for them!)
>> My point? As Roman said, the days of it being a cheap Japanese car are
over, and
>> the car is going to be recognised as a classic. Especially when many of
>> new car collectors find out the benefits that we enjoy. Rugged, unique,
>> low cost, easy to work on, and most of all just plain fun to drive.
>> Fred - So.SF
>> (4 in my collection)
>> ________________________ Reply Separator _______________________
>> > Subject: MINT ROADSTER sighting/ Roadster values
>> > Author: Roman Rist <>
>> > Date: 5/2/2000 12:21 PM
>> >
>> <snip>
>> > Every day some civilian tells me about how they are seeing more of
>> > these cars and how they are coming back.
>> > this leads me back to our previous controversy RE 25k roadster, aside
>> > from our own emotional bonds to the cars, they should and will go up in
>> > value.
>> > Agree or flame me if you will, don't matter.
>> >
>> <snip>
>> > In closing; more and more interest amongst civilians is occuring,the
>> > value will and should go up, the days of it being a cheap japanese car
>> > are over. the time for the car to be recognised as a classic and be
>> > valued accordingly is here!
>> >
>> <snip>
>> > Roman Rist
>> > 66 modified 1600
>> > 67.5 stock 1600 Maybe with 2000 motor soon LA Ca
>> >