Paul wrote:
> It would appear that it might have something to do with the oil feed
> I have been working with SCCA GP racer Jim Sloan this spring. He was
> commenting that #3 crank journal is always the one that burns when he loses
> a motor on the track. He quickly explained the stock oil flow through the
> crank, then talked about the modifications he currently makes ( enlarged
> passage in crank and journal bearing ) and went on to talk about the
> possibilities of cross drilling the crank for still better oil feed.
> Could any of this lead to burning up a piston?
In the late 70s or early 80s I ran across a firm in Kent, Washington
that produced a Roadster newsletter for a short while. I can' remeb
er their name. They were a race engine buileder, and one of the crew
was a Roadster nut, so persuaded mangemtn to let him do this. THey
had a fact sheet they sent out for free on an oil passage mod to even
out the oil flow to the bearings. But, as I recall, they were mostly
concerned with #1 main. THe fact sheet was well written and very
detailed. You could have taken it and your block to any competent
machine shop and had the work done, even if the shop had never seen a
U20 before.
They also had a turbo setup for the U20 that was supposed to put out
365 horses! <grin> ANd a few other Roadster goodies.
Anyone know who that might have been?
Mark van der Hoek
Salt Lake City