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Re: Selling Mr K.

Subject: Re: Selling Mr K.
From: Dennis Currington <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 20:57:05 -0700 wrote:

> Hello,
> I just found something on the internet that is quite disturbing.  The
> attached link is to a company that sells Z associated stuff which includes
> cars and parts and memorabilia.
> On one of their pages thier are some Datsun collectables that are autographed
> by Mr. Katayama or better known as Mr.K, the Father of the Z Car.  It appears
> that they are selling these items with his signature.
> If I remember correctly, Mr.K was a guest to Les' Classic Datsun Motorsports
> show at Doheney last year.  Mr. K, close to 80 years old.  He sat in the
> Southern California heat for two sessions of over two hours each signing
> autographs for free.  He signed t-shirts, books, mousepads, car parts,
> anything.  And yes he did it all for free.
> I am very sure that he was not doing any other signing sessions anywhere else
> during his visits to the States.  And I am sure that CDM and ZONC, the Z
> Owners of NorCal can back me up on that statement.  And if he did I am very
> sure that he wasn't charging for the signatures.
> I am appalled that a Z shop would have the nerve to sell his autographs.  I
> don't know how others feel about this but I find it very disrespectful to a
> fine gentleman.
> Michael "Calspeed" Carion
> 67.5 SRL311-000248 Solex


If you knew this guy(the seller) you would understand.  He constantly puts 
in front of Mr. K, who turned 90 last Sept) to have him sign.  He has tons of Mr
K signed stuff for sale, and on EBay too.  You would not believe some of the
inappropriate times he asks for his autographs.

I agree with you totally.

BTW, Gordon, a nice thought.  Unfortunately, not the case here.

Dennis - not selling any of mine
(my personal opinion and prepared to take flack)

Dennis Currington
1967.5  Solex 2000 #289
San Diego

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