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SEROC to Gatlinburg

To: "Roadsters (E-mail)" <>,
Subject: SEROC to Gatlinburg
From: "Hall, Phillip" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 12:05:48 -0500
We are off to Gatlinburg on May 13th.  We have 4 Roadsters confirmed and 2
trying.  I have been calling for reservations at cabins in the Smokys.  When
they ask who is coming I tell them a group of Datsun Roadsters - they say
what kind of car?  I love it!!!  We will make an impression that weekend.
Last call for you guys in OROC and other ROCs to come along a show us how to
run a club.  We welcome any and all of you.  OK, if you ALL show up we will
have to find more cabins.  We would love to see more Roadsters in
Galtlinburg and SEROC.  If I have not contacted anyone interested let me
know.  I may have let you slip through and if I have I apologize - lots of
people and names..  Let me know - the more the better.  

Happy Roadstering

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