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Re: HORNS............Don't Blow!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject: Re: HORNS............Don't Blow!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Mark van der Hoek <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 06:54:03 -0700

Ben Zech wrote:

> OK List;
> Horns, relay is clicking, getting juice at horns, but all I get is a 
> clicking sound..........ideas please
> Thanks, BZ

Well, if it's been a while since they've been used, they may just be
stuck.  Some horns make the sound by vibrating a metal plate, and it
can get corroded in place.  Sometimes this can be cured by simply
hitting the horn button repeatedly.  After  a while it may break
loose.  But I'm talking aobut after 50 or more times - this is not a
"one two punch" kind of thing.

Mark van der Hoek
Salt Lake City

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