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Re: Mt Shasta

Subject: Re: Mt Shasta
From: (Thomas Walter)
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 00 09:55:03 CDT
> Hi,  this is RZ/BZ/NC/SPL/SRL  (Rita)
> Ben and I have made our flight arrangements for Shasta in July!!!
> (non refundable,  so we're set).  This morning we were watching the Shasta
> 99 video and I started asking a 1000 questions.  Ben suggested I ask the
> list.
> -will we be the only ones there without our Roadster???

No. Fun is just showing up and meeting up with other roadster owners,
even if your roadster is not there! Not sure if we will tow the '68
(smashed fender, not enough $$$ to get it fixed before Shasta) out
behind the Land Cruiser (12-14 mpg), or drive out the Maxima (22-24
mpg) and quicker cruising speed!).  

I might fly Emerson and Liam out, and do a "bonsai" run with the
roadster from Texas to Shasta. ;-) 27 mpg... hmm. ;-)

> -where do most of you stay?

Uh... tradition for us is to camp out (Lake Siskiyou campground).
Lots of places to stay in town.

> -lunch on Sat...I noticed coolers etc in the video.  Is it a "bring your
> own" cooler, etc????

Or run back into town for lunch. ;-)

> -what am I forgetting to ask?????

SUNSCREEN! It is easy to overlook the sun block, but at higher elevations
and in July you will need it. Also the ice coolers full of ICE WATER
are great. Once again a little higher elevation and your do not realize
how much water you need. Just a nice thing to have along. 

> Thanks,  and looking forward to meeting everyone!!!!! 

You're welcome... 


Tom Walter  '68 2000
Austin, TX

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