Hi Laurie,
Ken Pletcher was also thinking about making a bikini top. The
with most roll bars is that they do not go up high enough behind your head.
You would need to have one that is high enough to attach the top too. Maybe
Ken has worked on this?? Ken??
Daniel 69 2000\
At 11:25 PM -0400 4/12/00, SPL311RDST@aol.com wrote:
>Tossing around the idea of a roll-bar for the 70. Mainly so I can fashion a
>bikini-top for the car more than anything else (direct hot AZ sun in summer
>=ick), and, what the heck-it looks good. Anyone got an old fact "show-bar"
>they wanna ditch cheap, or ideas on something a little more substantial?
>Prolly end up just making one if nothing else.
>Laurie :-)
>70 SPL311
>Chandler, AZ