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Re[2]: Simple fix

To: "" <>,
Subject: Re[2]: Simple fix
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 09:00:02 -0700

Extremely good point. (Points?) Don't leave the ignition key "On" for more 
than a few seconds without the engine running. I've accidentally done that 
and nearly burned my hand on the ballast resistor, coil, etc. Dang, they 
get hot real quick!

It may be a good idea to disconnect at the coil as well (and tape the 
loose wire).


________________________ Reply Separator ___________________________
>Subject: Re: Simple fix
>Author:  R Haug <>
>Date:    4/6/2000 5:50 AM
>Roman Rist wrote:
>> Hi List,
>>  Yesterday I decided to finally tackle my gas gauge adjustment. 
>> Every time I fill up I decide to adjust the float then drive and 
>> use up gas and never get around to it. I say to self "next tank" 
>> Well, yesterday I > did it! Took a little playing around to get it 
>> just right. I noticed that when you screw the thing down tight the 
>> reading goes more full. > but finally after a half hr it was 
>> perfect! Here's what happened next. I try to start my car and enjoy 
>> my new tank of gas and the car WONT start! Half hr earlier and all 
>> the time previous the car starts fine. I started thinking about 
>> what I'd read on > the list about vacum stuff and heat etc. came 
>> out later still no start,later still no start. Drove me nuts! 
>> Decided to check to see if > the plugs were fouled, no wrench. 
>> finally I (out of desparation) had > the brilliant idea to check 
>> the points. got a little 320grit paper cleaned them then sprayed 
>> everything with contact cleaner and > VROOOOM!!! Off I was.
> Roman,
> While you had the key on trying to adjust the fuel sender you had 
> current going through the points and they burnt.  This is one thing 
> bad about a points ignition system if you leave the key on without 
> running the engine. If you are doing adjustments in the future, 
> disconect the wires to the distributor and this will prevent the 
> points from burning again.
> Bob

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