Another opportunity for a MADROC get together.....
Just as a further reminder for MADROC , as posted earlier by Mark Dent, is
the North Beach (MD) Road Rally on Sunday, April 16, 10:00am through
Charles, Anne Arundel, and Saint Mary's counties. It is a Time-Speed
-Distance rally ~3-4 hours long conforming to the MWSCC rally rules. This
and other Washington, DC area rally info is available through the Branded
Rally Club of Maryland (
Hope to see some roadster folks there. I'll be there with a friend and his
Audi S4 (beggers can't be chosers).
Doug Noble
Vienna, VA
Hopeful and still searching....
Author: "Ian Miller" <> at NetTalk
Date: 3/20/2000 12:26 PM
Well guys its oficially spring again! So I'm going to ask the
question....JH whens the second annual BBQ? I had so much fun last year I
can't wait to do it again. This summer I would like to have a BBQ too, I
know some great roads to go screamin around in a roadster (just ask Mark).
But I have to wait till this summer to get my car out of storage, so i was
thinking we could do that in late June or July. Let me know what you think.
Happy Roadstering,
Ian Miller
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