--- nruff <> wrote:
> > You can pick it up anywhere at any newstand. I
> was talking to Van (he's
> friend's with the owner of the turbo Roadster) and
> he mentioned I just
> missed seeing it in person at the SE-R meet in LA a
> couple of weeks ago.
> After seeing it in the mag I was bummed I didn't
> hang around longer.
> >
> Sorry to keep pushing this thread BUT I have checked
> everywhere for "Turbo
> Magazine" and no one has it or can get it. (checked
> Waldens, Barnes &
> Noble, Borders, B. Dalton, grocery stores ect. ect.
> ect.!) I live in a town
> of over 100,000 people and even called surrounding
> areas as far as 70 miles
> away!! Several places showed listing for "Turbo and
> High Tech Performance
> Magazine" but didn't have it nor could they get it.
> Is this the same mag?
> Maybe if someone could send me the publisher and I
> can get one sent direct?
> It's not that often that our cars get into any type
> of national publication
> and I want to see it.
> Thanks again!
> Nathan
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