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Re: Mid-Ohio meet

To: Steve Harvey <>
Subject: Re: Mid-Ohio meet
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 10:20:09 -0500
The MidOhio Vintage Grand Prix will be held June23-25 this year.   The track is
located in Lexington, Ohio, just off I71, about an hours drive north of
Columbus, Ohio.  On Saturday, the Ohio Roadster Owners Club will have a special
parking area in the infield, probably at the top of the hill; look for the
banner and a bright YELLOW roadster.  Sunday is car show day and OROC will have
a Datsun corral on the show grounds in the infield.  Sign up for the show ( no
cost ) and receive a gift from MidOhio and take a few 'spirited' parade laps.
All Datsun are invited to join OROC as well as ZCCO and ZACO, the two big Z
clubs here in Ohio.
  Ticket information as well as directions to the track is available at
<>.  There is a link to lodging from their site.  Also,
take a look at <> for more information
about nearby attractions ( as if the racing isn't enough!).
  If anybody needs more information, please just write me.  We had 13 roadsters
on display last year in the rain.  This year promises to be warm and sunny so we
are looking for more!  Wouldn't mind seeing a few 510s this year either!

Paul Kort
Ohio Roadster Owners Club
1969 SPL311-25812

Steve Harvey <> on 03/03/2000 08:50:52 AM

Please respond to Steve Harvey <>

To:   "" <>
cc:    (bcc: Paul L Kort/Picker)
Subject:  Mid-Ohio meet

Can someone in the know post info. on the Mid-Ohio meet that's coming up
this spring or early summer.
Steve Harvey

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